KIDIN Presentation
The project “Kisebbségek identitása és integrációja művészeti eszközökkel – Konferencia- és fesztiválsorozat a jó gyakorlatok bemutatására” was financed by the European Union, as part of the program “Europe for citizen”.
It can be applied to Measure 2.2 “City networks”
Measure 2.3. “Projects of the civil society”
Component 1 “European historical memory”
In this project, the following events were organized:
1st Event
Participation: This event allowed 263 citizens to meet, 26 of which came from the city of Zamość (Poland), 26 from the city of Fiľakovo (Slovakia), 27 from the city of Nagyecsed (Hungary) and 184 from the following localities: Oravita, Resita, Racasdia, Sokol, Garnic and Greoni (Romania).
Place/Date: the event took place in Oravita (Romania) during the time period: 19/07/2015 – 21/07/2015.
Brief description: The event was consecrated in Oravita on the date of 19/07/2015.
During the first day of the event (20.07.2015), welcoming speeches were made, the project and its partner organisations were presented at the town hall. The following people participated: the Oravita town mayor – mister Ursu Dumitru, the mayor of the city of Nagyecsed – mister Lajos Kovács, the mayor of the town Fil’akovo – mister Mgr. Attila Agócs, the representative of the Zamość municipality, Krzysztof Rusztyn, representatives of partner organisations (Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Romani Women’s Association – Szilvia Erősné Balogh, OZ INFO ROM – Zoltán Horváth, Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu – Krzysztof Bruzgul), representatives of local organisations and the citizens of the Oravita town. During the afternoon, a cultural festival was organized in a free space, and performers realized a traditional costumes parade.
During the second day of the event (21.07.2015), a conference was organized for experts inside the town hall. Leaders realized an introduction for partner countries referring to Roma situation in Romania and of good practices.
The following presentations were made:
Ramona Stangu (Romania), Oravita, expert in Roma minorities: Roma situation in Romania;
Furugh Swizer (Hungary), Unity in Diversity Foundation director, sociologist, psychologist: Your story – children’s education through mothers’ development;
Jan Balaz (Slovakia), County Association of Roma Initiatives (CARI), programme assistant: Inclusive programs implemented by CARI;
Krzysztof Bruzgul (Poland), Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu, co-worker: Introduction of the Voluntary Centre from Zamość;
Daniel Grebeldinger (Romania) Nevo Parudimos Association, project manager: The festival of ethnical communities in Banat;
The participants also visited the Mihai Eminescu Theatre, the oldest theatre in Romania.
2nd Event
Participation: The event allowed 316 citizens to meet, 26 of which came from the town of Zamość (Poland), 22 from Oravita (Romania), 62 from Nagyecsed (Hungary), 202 from Fil’akovo, Bratislava, Detva, Poltár, Kokava nad Rimavicou, Hnúšťa, Rimavská Sobota, Banská Bystrica, Sečovce, Lučenec, Zvolen, Rožňava (Slovakia).
Place/Date: The event took place in Fil’akovo (Slovakia) starting with 13/082015 until the 15/08/2015.
Brief description: The event was consecrated in Fil’akovo on the date of 13/08/2015.
During the first day of the event (14.08.2015) the participants visited the Castle of Somoskő. During the afternoon a conference for experts took place. The following people participated in this event: Mgr. Peter Pollák, PhD, Commissary of the Slovak Republic for Roma Affairs, the mayor of Fil’akovo city, Mgr. Attila Agócs, PhD, the mayor of the Nagyecsed city, Lajos Kovács, the representative of the Zamość municipality, Sylwia Niemczuk, representative of the Oravita town, Constantin Comănoaia, representatives of partner organisations (Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Romani Women’s Association – Szilvia Erősné Balogh, OZ INFO ROM – Zoltán Horváth, Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu – Andzej Smyk, Nevo Parudimos Association– Antinia Claudia Iovanovici), representatives of local communities and citizens of the Fil’akovo city.
The following presentations were made:
Peter Pollák, PhD. (Slovakia), Commissary of the Slovak Republic for Roma Affairs: The situation of Roma communities in Slovakia;
Lajos Kovács (Hungary), Mayor of the Nagyecsed city: Public positions occupation in Nagyecsed;
Ábel Ravasz (Slovakia), Publicus Slovakia, leading analyst: The power of local communities: small steps for success;
Claudiu Muresan (Romania), Nevo Parudimos Association, co-worker: The festival of ethnical communities in Banat;
Andrzej Smyk (Poland), Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu, member: Introduction of the Voluntary Centre from Zamość;
After the presentations were made, participants discussed the situation of minorities, during the following workshops:
Black and white: The image of living together in mass media (János Vasík, editor for Patria Radio) – the analysis of media apparitions referring to the fire which burned the Krásna Hôrka Castle and the application of games referring to similar situations.
The project Your Story and the Toy Library (Furugh Switzer) – introduction of methods.
During the second day of the event (on the 15.08.2015), all participants visited the touristic attraction of the city. During the afternoon, a folk dance event was organized (dance lessons) and crafting activities for citizens and a cultural festival in the open air.
3rd Event
Participation: The event allowed 253 citizens to meet, among which de 23 came from the city of Fiľakovo (Slovakia), 21 from Oravita (Romania), 32 from Nagyecsed (Hungary), and 177 from Zamość (Poland).
Place/Date: The event took place in Zamość (Poland) during the time period: 28/082015 – 30/08/2015.
Brief description: The event was consecrated in Zamość on the date of 28/08/2015.
During the first day of the event (29.08.2015) the mayor of the Zamość city, Andrzej Wnuk, opened the cultural festival in the main square of the city. Afterwards, local and foreign performers presented a parade of traditional costumes. During the afternoon, fork dances and songs were presented and the event was closed by a concert.
After the opening ceremony, experts participated in a conference organized by the City Hall. The conference was opened by the vice-mayor Magdalena Dołgan. The following personalities participated in the event: representatives of the city hall and of local institutions (families help centre, the Grabowiec local cultural centre, cultural institutions from the Lubelskie region), organisations representatives of representatives of partner cities and towns (the mayor of the Fil’akovo city, Mgr. Attila Agócs, PhD, the mayor of the Nagyecsed city, Lajos Kovács, the Zamość municipality representative, Sylwia Niemczuk, the Oravita municipality representative, Constantin Comanoaia, representatives of partner organisations: Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Romani Women’s Association – Szilvia Erősné Balogh, OZ INFO ROM – Zoltán Horvát, Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu – Andzej Smyk, Nevo Parudimos Association – Daniel Grebeldinger).
Presentations made offered introduction information on the Roma community from the Lubelskie regions and some good practices from partner countries:
Ewa Koper (Poland), Majdanek National Museum, Historian: The extermination of Roma minorities in the Bełżec labour camp.
Agnieszka Caban (Poland), editor, expert in cultural studies: Roma communities from the Lubelskie region – Cultural inheritance of social problems.
Halina Rycak (Poland), Families help centre, social worker: Roma communities’ situation in Zamośc, living conditions of Roma communities from the social workers’ perspective.
Interview of Andrzej Kaznowski and Vanessa Kaznowska (Roma citizens from Zamość).
Elemer Szentpetery (Hungary), president of the Co-Efficient Association, the ‘Tanoda’ Program in Hungary.
Nistor Iorga (Romania), Nevo Parudimos Association, project manager: ‘Second Chance, a new Chance’ Educational opportunities.
During the send activity of this event (30.08.2015), all participants took part in workshops organized by the voluntary centre belonging to the Poland partner:
Puppet Workshop (Janina Lachowska theatre expert from the ‘Drukarnia wyobraźni’ Association): the participants played in the “Little Red Riding Hood” play. The main objective of this workshop was to present theatre means in working with the society and with local minorities.
Partnership workshop (Daniel Grebeldinger, Nevo Parudimos Association): The main objective of this workshop was to present efficient cooperation method between partners at an international level.
Roma dances workshop (Szilvia Erősné Balogh, Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Roma Women’s Association): The main objective of this workshop was to present dancing as integration means in working with minorities.
During the afternoon, participants visited the city touristic attractions.
4th Event
Participation: The event allowed 370 citizens to meet, of which 22 came from the city of Fiľakovo (Slovakia), 109 participants came from Oravita, Resita, Racasdia, Teregova, Caraseu, Culciu Mare, Arad, Berveni, Ardud, Oradea (Romania), 20 from Zamość (Poland) and 151 from Nagyecsed (Hungary).
Place/Date: The event took place in Nagyecsed (Hungary) during the time period: 16/09/2015 – 19/09/2015.
Brief description: The event was consecrated in Nagyecsed on the date of 16/09/2015.
During the first day of the event (17.09.2015) a conference for experts was organized, at the cultural centre of Nagyecsed.
The following participated in the event: the mayor of the Nagyecsed city, Lajos Kovács, and the city hall personnel, representatives of local NGOs and other institutions (Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Roma Women’s Association, Social Care Service Centre of Szatmár Sub-region, II. Rákóczi Ferenc Cultural Centre and Library, Free Dance Primary Art School, Kindergarten of Nagyecsed, Türr István Training and Research Institute, Hit Gyülekezete Szeretetszolgálat, Living Stones Foundation, Hungaryn Maltese Charity Service, Nurse Service), management organisation for the program “Europe for citizens” Tempus Public Foundation, representatives of the project partners and of partner cities and towns: the mayor of the Fil’akovo city, Mgr. Attila Agócs, PhD, a representative of the Zamość municipality, Marta Derkacz-Turczyn, a representative of the Oravita municipality, Constantin Comănoaia, representatives of partner organisations, OZ INFO ROM – Zoltán Horváth, Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu – Krzysztof Bruzgul, Nevo Parudimos Association – Daniel Grebeldinger and inhabitants of the Nagyecsed city.
The following presentations were made:
Lajos, Kovács (Hungary), mayor of the Nagyecsed city: Opening speech.
Presentation of partner cities
István Bölcsik PhD (Hungary), legal representative in Nagyecsed: Roma situation in Nagyecsed.
Ilona Fodorné Papp (Hungary), chief of the Social Work Centre from the Szatmár sub-region: Social inclusion in Nagyecsed with the support of UE funds.
Petra Kovács (Hungary), music and arts therapist: Opportunities of music therapy.
Nistor Iorga (Romania), Nevo Parudimos Association, project manager: The road of employment starts with training.
Štefan Bako (Slovakia), Civic Association Ad Hoc, vice-president: FIĽAKOVO Lesson learnt.
Krzysztof Bruzgul (Poland) Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu, co-worker: Activities of Non-governmental Roma organisations.
During the afternoon participants were involved in the following workshops:
Music therapy (Petra Kovács): Opportunities of active therapy through music;
Situation of Roma communities (Daniel Grebeldinger, Nevo Parudimos Association): Prejudices Impact in the life of Roma, processing the theme with training methods;
The relation between minorities and the majority (Štefan Bako, Civic Association Ad Hoc): Theme processing through brainstorming;
Stereotypes (Krzysztof Bruzgul, Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu): Theme processing with the help of instruction methods.
The participants visited touristic attractions in Mátészalka and the exposition of the artists Stonawski Tamás at the Community centre in Nagyecsed.
During the second day of the event (18.09.2015) the following workshops were held:
Guidance for twinned agreements between cities (Szentpétery Elemér, Együttható Egyesület): Exploration of cooperation opportunities.
Identity: construction or reality? (Mgr. Attila Agócs, PhD, mayor of the Fiľakovo city): presentation and discussion on identity and similarities between partner countries.
Stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination (Daniel Grebeldinger, Nevo Parudimos Association): theme presentation and processing with the help of instruction methods.
Being a voluntary (Krzysztof Bruzgul (Stowarzyszenie Zamojskie Centrum Wolontariatu): The story of a voluntary, processing opportunities and benefices of the voluntary activity through instruction methods.
The guests also visited the touristic attraction of Nagyecsed.
During the third day of the event (19.09.2015), a cultural festival was organized in and open space. The participants organized a parade wearing traditional clothes. Sándor Lajos, member of the Hungary Parliament opened the program. Lajos Kovács, the mayor of the Nagyecsed city offered memorial plaques to partner organisations and cities from the KIDIN project, and to all representatives of the Romanian cities and towns, Berveni and Ardud, twinned with Nagyecsed. Local and national artists kept the audience attentive with traditional dances and music. During the festival, participants could visit the exposition of the Berey József Local History Institution “Memories of Reformat Nagycsed Parish”. Crafting activities, gastronomic activities and playing grounds enriched the program.
Other activities:
In every partner country a dissemination workshop was organized together with local people and experts, in order to present experiences, results and good practices that were identified during the project.
24/09/2015 Fiľakovo, Slovakia (31 participants)
08/10/2015 Nagyecsed, Hungary (24 participants)
22/10/2015 Zamość, Poland (27 participants)
27/11/2015 Oravita, Romania (27 participants)
More information on the project can be found at: