Project donor: ERGO Network

No. project: 2023-011

In 2023, Nevo Parudimos Association benefits from a grant from the ERGO Network financed through the CERV Structural Grant no. 101104354, for the coordination of the National Coalition for Roma in Romania. In this sense, in 2023 Nevo Parudimos Association implements the work program “Equality, Inclusion and Participation of the Roma 2023”.

Since 2015, Nevo Parudimos coordinates the activities of the National Coalition for Roma and every year coordinates at least 2 meetings aimed at increasing the capacity of the Coalition and increasing the cooperation of members of the Roma Forum network. Together, the coalitions are composed of more than 20 Roma NGOs, active in different fields from different parts of Romania.

Annual national capacity meeting of civil societies “ROMA FORUM” organized in Bucharest, on July 6-7, 2023.

On the first day of the meeting we discussed topics such as: The role of Roma civil society for the National Agency for Roma and Funding opportunities for Roma civil society. Recommendations were also formulated for the relevant institutions responsible for financing Roma programs (ministries, embassies, other donors).

On July 7, 2023, these recommendations were reviewed and discussed and addressed the topic of the reflection of Roma in governmental and non-governmental programs and initiatives.

The event was attended by, among others, Iulian Paraschiv (National Agency for Roma), Tina Daragiu (Ruhama Foundation), Daniel Rădulescu (Sastipen Association), Eniko Katalin (Department for Inter-Ethnic Relations), Cecilia Văduva (National Contact Point for Roma) , Bogdan Paraschiv (Ministry of Investments and European Projects).


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