Project leader: Asociatia Nevo Parudimos

Period: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2021

Budget: A1 – 23.260,00 EUR / A2 – 19.600,00 EUR

Nr. of the project: 2020-2-RO01-KA105-080524


    • Phiren Amenca International Network,
    • Sdruzhenie Walk Together,
    • Meraki,
    • Evropske Centrum Mladeze Breclav European Youth Centre Breclav Z. S.,
    • Reseau Express Jeunes Exclusion Integration,
    • Amaro Foro,
    • United Societies Of Balkans,
    • Co-Efficient,
    • Odv Inclusion Go Ets,
    • Asociacija Tavo Europa,
    • Zdruzenje Regionalna Romska Obrazovna Mladinska Asocijacija Kratovo,
    • Serbian Roma Youth Association,
    • Znanstvenoraziskovalno Zdruzenje Za Umetnost, Kulturne In Izobrazevalne Programe In Tehnologijo Epeka Socialno Podjetje,
    • Zift Hayat Boyu Ögrenme Ve Egitim Dernegi,
    • Fundacja Sztuki ”Jaw Dikh”

The Nevo Parudimos Association implements the Let’s go digital project, a large project that involves three different activities: a pilot activity, a training and a seminar.

This project aims to update the communication style and skills of youth workers in the face of rapidly changing technology and to teach them a range of online collaboration tools.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Develop creative and innovative online communication and collaborative work skills specific to volunteer work among 33 workers in 16 countries over 21 months.
  • Improving the effective use of innovative social networks and creative online tools for communication and collaboration with young volunteers, in at least one learning activity for each partner organization.
  • Supporting the exchange of experience and good practice in the field of volunteer involvement through the use of online communication and collaborative tools, for 33 youth workers and 16 partner organizations.

The first step in the project was to organize a training course on online communication and develop skills in involving volunteers using online collaboration tools. This course runned for 8 days, 01.08.2021 – 08.08.2021 in Marabu camp, Milcoveni village in Romania and brought together 33 young volunteers, youth workers and staff from partner organizations: Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland.

For the pilot activity, participants were asked to implement at least one activity with young volunteers using at least 2 online tools (1 communication tool and 1 collaborative work tool) in their own country, after the training course. Preparations for this activity were made at the end of the course with the help of trainers and also with the support of their NGO management team.

Before the seminar, all participants received a set of guidelines to prepare their presentation and share their pilot experiences.

The final step was to organize a seminar in Macedonia where the lessons learned and good practices learned so far will be discussed as a means of improving the strategy for involving volunteers. This is a 7-day mobility, 25.11.2021 – 01.12.2021, which took place in Kratovo, Northern Macedonia.


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