Project leader: Nagyecsed municipality, Hungary

Nr. of the project: CITIZ-1-2015-1-HU-CITIZ-NT

Period: 1 July – 30 November 2015


  • Vazdune Cherhaja Rising Stars Romani Womens Association, Ungaria
  • Asociatia OZ INFO ROM, Slovacia
  • Centrul de voluntariat Zamosc, Polonia
  • Asociatia Nevo Parudimos, Romania


KIDIN – The identity of minorities, their integration development through arts activities – Series of conferences and festivals to showcase best practices

In the period 1 July to 30 November 2015 Nevo Parudimos Association as partner, implemented the project KIDIN (Kisebbségek identities és integrációja művészeti eszközökkel – Konferencia- és fesztiválsorozat OJ gyakorlatok bemutatására) – The identity of minorities, their integration development through arts activities- Conference Series and festivals to showcase best practices, project Number 563 479-CITIZ-1-2015-1-HU-CITIZ-NT

The goal was:

Selection of best practices (activities and working methods) at national and international level in the field of inclusion and developing relationships between towns.

The project had 6 major activities which involved all partners and beneficiaries of the four countries participating in the project: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.

The project activities were:

02/07/2015 The launch of the project held in Budapest in the presence of representatives of all partners involved. Face meeting was more a meeting to exchange views and clarify issues that were not clear in the initial phase of the project.

20-21.07.2015 First festival and first conference. They took place in Oravita, Romania at the event besides the locals who have been present in a large number there were also delegations of 26 people from each partner country except Hungary which had 28 participants.

On the first day of activities took place KIDIN Festival that had in the program 12 ensembles from four countries.

In the second day of activities took place the International Conference of best practice in promoting the inclusion of minorities through various methods culture whose program was varied and presented six best practices.

Also after the conference a workshop about  nonformal education  was held in Dragalina park in front of City Hall Oravita with participants from abroad.

12-14.08.2015 The second festival and the second conference. It took place in Fiľakovo, Slovakia and these events as in Romania besides locals who attended there were  26 participants from each partner country and 28 from Hungary.

On the first day of the Kidin festival the activities held were very diverse.

In the second day of the conference was held with five presentations in the program.

After the conference two workshops were organized, one about the water situation in Slovakia, as is seen in the social media, workshop conducted by János Vasík , local journalist and editor. The second workshop was called „My story” and it was presented as a quality method by Furugh Switzer  from Hungary

28-30.08.2015 The third festival and the third conference. They took place in Zamosc, Poland at this event, besides locals attending as in Romania and Slovakia, there were 26 participants from each partner country and 28 from Hungary.

On the first day of the Kidin festival the activities held were very diverse.

In the second day of the conference was held with five presentations in the program.

After the conference there were three workshops: Janina Lachowski, Poland – puppet, Daniel Grebeldinger), Romania – Cooperation and Partnership and Erősné Szilvia Balogh from Hungary who presented a workshop on traditional dances Roma.

17-19.09.2015  Fourth festival and conference. They took place in Nagyecsed in Hungary.

These events besides locals attending as in many other countries there were 26 participants from each partner country with the exception of Romania where there were other groups from other towns twinned with Nagyedcsed and in total there were 126 participants.

On the first day of the Kidin festival the activities held were very diverse.

In the second day of the conference was held with five presentations in the program.

After the conference were conducted two series of four workshops with a very varied program.

01-30.10.2015 in each country a series of workshops to disseminate were held, where they presented the project activities and results. In Romania Oravita it occurred in the 27/10/2015. During this workshop was a presentation of the project and discussed what can be done in the future and continuity to this project.

As a significant result of this project was the signing of a memorandum through which partners have assumed involvement but cooperation in future joint activities for the next five years.

The project was funded by the “Europe for Citizens” program of the European Commission.


This communication does not represent the official point of view of the fund operator.


Prezentare KIDIN – 16 februarie 2016