
Learning together – Roma in Europe is a project implemented by the Nevo Parudimos Association. The project was underway from October 2009 to June 2011. The project is financed by the European Commission, through its lifelong learning program (Grundtvig).


The primary purpose of this project is to facilitate the exchange between educators working with children from underprivileged backgrounds, namely those focusing on Romani children from Romania, Germany, Austria, France and Sweden.

Project calendar

Up until the present, the following meetings took place:

  • Vienna, Austria, 15-18 October 2009
  • Resita, Romania, 22-25 April 2010
  • Stockholm, Sweden, 1-4 August 2010
  • Munich, Germany, 20-24 October 2010

The last meeting of the Learning together – Roma in Europe project is scheduled to take place in Paris, France, in the spring of 2011.

The Romanian meeting took place in the county of Caras Severin, where the first day workshops of the From an inclusive school to an inclusive community and social cohesion International Symposium were held in Resita and Dognecea, offering the participants the opportunity to present the situation of formal education offered to Romani children in their respective countries. The second day brought about a visit to the local Romani community and to the Mayor’s Office, where Mrs Mayor Elena Moise received the guests with bread and salt.

The third day was dedicated to discussing the conclusions of the Romanian meeting and to planning the continuation of the project.


The partners involved in the implementation of the Learning together – Roma in Europe project are:

  • Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH – VHS polycollege (Austria)
  • Romakulturzentrum Wien (Austria)
  • Romano Pasos Research Centre (Sweden)
  • MADHOUSE gemeinnützige GmbH (Germany)
  • Ternikano berno (cercle de la jeunesse) (France)

The project coordinator was Professor Loredana Drobot, from the “Eftimie Murgu” University.


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